Snapchat has already been available on iOS and Android devices, but it has not been officially launched for Mac. Extra Tip: Use QuickTime on Mac to Save Snapchat Videos.Part 2: How to Download Snapchat On Mac.You can read on this article to know how to download and use Snapchat on your Mac. But don’t be disappointed, it is possible to use the Snapchat on Mac, as long as you resort to an emulator. However, compared with other instant messaging apps, the Snapchat has a defect – it has neither web version nor Mac version client at present, though it is suggested that there will be a Mac version client later in Apple’s WWDC. Moreover, you can set how long the chat content can stay before it expire. If you send photos and videos within the Snapchat, they will disappear in seconds. You will feel more comfortable to share your photos and videos on Snapchat than other social software, as it focuses more on the protection of personal privacy. Snapchat is one of the most popular social media platforms across the globe.
How to Download Snapchat for Mac and Use It in 2019